Board Actions 10.22.19
Bolingbrook Village Board Meeting Highlights – October 22, 2019
(1) Community Service Council – Take Back the Night
(2) Operation Christmas Annual Fundraiser
Bolingbrook Business News:
Several new businesses are coming to Bolingbrook! During the 10/22/19 Village Board Meeting, officials approved Special Use Permits for two Nail and Spa Salons and a new Health and Wellness Venue. Special Use Permits are required for businesses that do not generate sales tax. Liquor Licenses were approved for two new restaurants.
We look forward to welcoming:
Dazzle Nails & Spa at 128 E. Boughton Road
F45 Fitness at 554 W. Boughton Road
Expansion and Relocation of the existing business for Zeda Nails & Spa at 333 N. Weber Road
Mariscos Mi Estilo La Perla at 222 N. Bolingbrook Drive
Two Pints Lounge (formerly Beer Market) at 641 E. Boughton Road
Commissions are a great way for residents to contribute to amazing events and activities sponsored by the Village. Go to for more detailed information on each Commission. Appointments & reappointments were made to the following Commissions:
Beautification – New: Commissioner Deb Savage; Reappointments: Chair Phyllis Ruggiero, Commissioner Lola Fashina
Planning – New: Barrington Tucker as Commissioner; Reappointments: Terri Bethune as Vice-Chair, Commissioners Rick Campos, and Calvin Wright
Arts Council – Commissioners Allaina Humphrey and Janice Kessl
Bolingbrook Community Television (BCT) – Reappointments: Chair Jim Singer, Vice Chair Jerry Strickland
Firemen's Pension Board – New: Billy Hearth; Reappointment: Ricardo Morales
The Village Board approved the following Motions
- Continue the vote on Ordinance 19-068 authorizing Notice of Contemplated Involuntary Annexation of specific property until the November 26th Board Meeting – This action is due to pending decision in the courts over this issue.
- Accept the Annual Treasurer’s Report of Receipts and Disbursements for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. This resolution accepts the Treasurer’s report for fiscal 2018-2019. Total receipts from all sources including inter-fund transfers were $146,978,055.00. Total expenses from all sources including transfers and capital expenditures were $137,027,000.00. The General Corporate Fund had revenues of $82,376,364.00 and expenditures with transfers of $73,932,655.00. The General Fund balance increased by $8,443,699.00. The report will be posted on the Village website and in the local paper.
The Village Board approved the following Resolutions
- A five-year agreement with Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. to consolidate and manage the 457 employee Deferred Compensation Plans. The Village retained Mesirow (R18-044) to investigate consolidating the 457 deferred compensation plans that were being offered to employees. Four firms currently offered plans. It was decided to request proposals to use one vendor. Nine firms responded to the Request for Proposal. Four firms were interviewed by Mesirow and the staff. The four firms were reduced to two firms and those two were interviewed by the Finance Committee and Nationwide was the selected vendor. The employees (192 active participants) will save approximately $150,000.00 per year in fees and costs by consolidating the plans with one provider. The Finance Committee reviewed and recommended approval of a five-year contract with Nationwide.
- Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services for reimbursement of ambulance services. This resolution approves an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services and the Village of Bolingbrook (Fire Department) for reimbursement of ambulance services. The current Medicaid transport rate is $172.00. This agreement establishes the Village rate at $2,090.00 subject to a cost sharing (50%) with the State. The Villages’ reimbursement rate will be $1,045.00 per transport. The current Village resident (non-Medicaid) transport rate is $804.25 (BCS) and $1,086.82 (ALS). The new IGA rate will bring Medicaid transports closer to being in line with the resident and insurance reimbursement rates. The Public Safety Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
- Change Orders for Third Party Building inspection Service Contracts to cover increased funding due to May hail damage. The rates will stay the same as in the original contract. This resolution increases the contract amounts for B&F Construction Code Services (19R-029) by $65,000.00, TPI Building Code Consultants (19R-031) by $40,000.00 and HR Green (19R-030) by $98,000.00. Total increase for inspection services is $203,000.00. This increase is due to the increase in permits as well as roof and siding permits, due to hail damage. The additional cost will be offset by the additional number of permits being issued. The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
- Vendor Proposals for the Fall Tree Replacement program. The Village has removed over 10,000 ash trees due to infestation from the emerald ash borer. The Village has planted 9,000 trees. The replacements are a diverse variety of trees to prevent large future deforestation due to invasive insects or disease. The Resolution approves the Village’s fall tree planting program. It authorizes the purchase of 500 trees from American Landscaping for $193,500.00 ($387.00/tree) and 500 trees from Sebert Landscape for $215,000.00 ($430.00/tree). Twenty-nine replacement evergreens for the I-55/Route 53 interchange are also included for $29,000.00. Total cost is $437,500.00, which is $62,500.00 under the budgeted amount of $500,000.00. The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
- New Chlorination equipment for Water Reclamation Plant #2. The Resolution approves the purchase of chlorination equipment for effluent disinfection at Water Reclamation Plant #2 on West Boughton Road. The current equipment is in need of repair and no longer complies with IEPA and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) standards. The purchase is from Sidener Environmental Services in the amount of $27,450.00, which is $9,455.00 over budget. The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
- Memorandum of Understanding between the Village of Bolingbrook and the Village of Thornton supporting the Illinois Statewide Auto Theft Task Force. The Illinois Secretary of State office has created an Auto Theft Task Force. They received a four-year grant from the Auto Insurance industry to fund the task force. The local lead agency is the Village of Thornton. This Resolution approves an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Thornton. The Village of Bolingbrook will be assigning one Police Officer to the task force. The Village will be fully reimbursed (salary, benefits, pension and overtime) for the cost of the officer. Insurance, vehicle and fuel are provided by the task force. The Village of Bolingbrook may withdraw the officer with 30 days’ notice. The Public Safety Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
- Purchase of 13 Ford Interception Utility Hybrid Vehicles (Police Cars). This Resolution approves the purchase of (13) replacement patrol cars. The vehicle purchase is from Currie Motors through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative program. The vehicles are 2020 Ford Hybrid Interceptors. Each vehicle being replaced has over 80,000 miles. The total cost is $735,157.50 is $6,584.08 under budget. The Public Safety Committee reviewed and recommended approval.