Board Actions 7.13.21
Agenda Action by the Village Board:
The Village Board meeting of July 13, 2021 included the following actions. Please visit the Village website at for the complete Village Board meeting notes that will be posted upon approval before the next regularly scheduled board meeting. You can also view the replay of the meeting on the Village website by clicking on the following link or on The Village of Bolingbrook Facebook page.
Commission Appointments/Reappointments
Commissioners were appointed to the following roles and Commissions. Residents can apply for Commissions on the Village website to share their skills to serve the Village.
Beautification Commission
Appointment – Commissioner – Teresa Hill
Bolingbrook Community Television Commission
Appointment – Commissioner – Mike Martin
Bolingbrook Pride Appreciation/Recognition to the Mayor and Board of Trustees
Approval of Bills
Trustees voted to approve bills in the amount of $6,496,591.57.
Approval of Resolution (21R-046) Approving Purchase of Two (2) 2022 Ford Interceptor Utility Hybrid Vehicles Under the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative
Trustees voted to approve the purchase of two new vehicles for the Fire Command Staff to replace the two (2) 2007 Chevy Malibu’s which have high mileage and mechanical issues. These are being purchased through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative.
The vehicles, emergency lighting, and installation will cost a total of $96,650.00. This is a 2021-2022 budgeted item.
The Public Safety Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (21R-047) Approving Emergency Purchase from Xylem Water Solutions for Replacement Flygt Model NP-3202.095 8” Volute Submersible Pump
Trustees voted to approve an emergency purchase for a submersible pump for Plant #3 at 127th street. The existing system has become unserviceable. The new pump is for raw sewage and will move raw sewage to aeration basins.
The total cost for this item is $35,728.34.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Ordinance (21-033) Amending Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code Decreasing Class “C-1” from Five (5) to Four (4) and Increasing Class “B” from Eleven (11) to Twelve (12) – Fiesta Market (160 N. Bolingbrook Drive)
Trustees voted to approve a revision in the liquor licenses for Fiesta Market. They are requesting to change their current Class C-1 (packaged beer and wine) to a Class B (packaged alcoholic liquor). Therefore, this Ordinance eliminated the license they currently have and grants them the packaged liquor license.
Discussion on Cannabis Ordinances
The Village currently does not permit any business involved in the Cannabis industry, approved by the State of Illinois, to operate within Village boundaries. The Village Attorney presented an overview of the various ordinances required should the Village decide to move ahead with permitting these types of businesses. This information and subsequent discussion on these issues will be continued at future Village Board meetings.