Board Actions 4.27.21

Agenda Action by the Village Board:


The Village Board meeting of April 27, 2021 included the following actions.  Please visit the Village website at for the complete Village Board meeting notes that will be posted upon approval before the next regularly scheduled board meeting.  You can also view the replay of the meeting on the Village website by clicking on the following link or on The Village of Bolingbrook Facebook page.



Motorcycle Awareness Month – A proclamation was presented to Chris Hansen of the A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education (ABATE) organization in Illinois.  He provided background on methods to ensure that motorcycle riders remain safe while driving including the very important fact that automobile drivers focus on the road, not on their phones, while driving.  He also provided statistics on vehicle accidents and fatalities involving cars and motorcycles. 


Commission Appointments/Reappointments

Two Commissioners were appointed to the following roles and Commission.  Residents can apply for Commissions on the Village website to share their skills to serve the Village.

Plan Commission

Re-Appointment – Chair – Mir Ali

Appointment – Commissioner – Michael Shay


Public Hearing

Public Hearing Regarding Bolingbrook Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Proposed Budget for All Funds


The Public Hearing notice was published in the Daily Herald newspaper April 16, 2021 giving notice on the proposed budget for all funds for the 2021 – 2022 fiscal year.


The Budget presented during the Public Hearing was prepared by staff and presented at a Budget Workshop on Saturday, April 10, 2021. Each department made a presentation about their portion of the budget.  While the COVID-19 pandemic continues and social distancing and reduced capacity rules are still in effect, there are signs that more businesses are attempting to return to full operations and adapt to the 'new normal'. However, it is clear that Village revenues will still be adversely affected.


The following are key revenue sources for the Village – Sales Tax (41.5% of budget revenue), State Income Tax (12.3%), Transfer Tax (5.3%), Restaurant and Liquor Tax (4.3%), Hotel Tax (1.8%) and Gasoline Tax (3.6%)


The above categories are 68.7% of the revenue in the proposed General Fund budget.  Each of these sources will be continue to be impacted until the Village, State, and economy return to “normal”.  Please note that this is down from last year where these revenue sources made up 70.6% of the General Fund.  However, the Village was able to make up for these lost revenues with passing of the American Rescue Plan Act earlier this year.


The budget presented is balanced.  The General Corporate Fund includes $84,411,139. The Corporate Fund includes $55,610,758, of which 65.9% is for wages and benefits. The Village has six Labor Contracts, two of which were on the April 27 agenda for approval for new contracts.  Therefore, as of April 30, 2021, only two of the six Unions representing the Village employees will have expired Labor Contracts.  The Village is currently negotiating with Map 522 and AFSCME 2014 with the hopes having contracts settled shortly.


The staff did propose new positions, but at this time there are only four presented in the budget.  Three Firefighter/Paramedics have been approved in the Fire Department for additional manning at Fire Station 5 and a Grant Coordinator was approved for Planning and Zoning to help the Village seek new funding opportunities.   The Co-Administrators will be working with the departments through the year and will bring back any additional personnel requests that can be accommodated through long term budget planning.


The 2021-2022 Fiscal Budget including all funds and transfers is $157,972,726.00.


Approval of Bills

Trustees voted to approve bills in the amount of $2,041,065.52. 



Approval of Resolution (21R-021) Approving Recovering Operable Walls at Bolingbrook Golf Club by Folding Partition Services


Trustees voted to approve maintenance of operable panel walls and 8 outside of pocket doors by Folding Partition Services.  The old fabric will be removed and the panels will be prepped and re-covered.  The company will change out the bad trollies, plumb and level panels, and repair the sagging pass door.


The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.


Approval of Resolution (21R-022) Approving a Proposal with Chastain & Associates LLC for Professional Engineering Services Related to Canterbury Lane Culvert Replacement


Trustees voted to approve a proposal from Chastain & Associates LLC for Professional Engineering services for the Canterbury Lane Culvert Replacement.  The Village will be replacing the culvert and Chastain will provide the Phase 3 engineering services and project management for the culvert reconstruction.  Chastain provided the Phase 2 engineering for this project. Construction dollars will be paid with Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) dollars.


The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.



Approval of Ordinance (21-023) Approving a Development Agreement Between the Village of Bolingbrook and Pulte Home Company, LLC for the Development of the Property Located at the Southeast Corner of Hassert Boulevard and Essington Road


Trustees voted to approve a Development Agreement with Pulte Home Company, LLC in order to develop 77.79 acres at the southeast corner of Hassert Boulevard and Essington Road for the purpose of constructing the Sawgrass Development with 216 single family homes.  Pulte has requested the Village to enter into a Development Agreement to provide the manner in which the subdivision will be developed.  The Development Agreement approves the Preliminary Plat of Subdivision, Preliminary Engineering Plans and Preliminary Landscaping Plans.  The Agreement also establishes a timeline for the payment of annexation fees and associated development fees.  The final Agreement is subject to final review and approval by the Co-Administrator and the Village Attorney.


Acceptance of Plan Commission Report 21.05 and Approval of Ordinance (21-024) Approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with Variances, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat of Subdivision, Sawgrass, Southeast Corner of Hassert Boulevard and Essington Road,  Rob Getz, Pulte Group; Pulte Home Company, LLC


Trustees voted to approve a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with Variances, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat of Subdivision for the development of a 216 single family home community with associated variances. The property is 77.79 acres, and will contain a central park and two large water features along Hassert Boulevard.


The community would be named Sawgrass.


Approval of Ordinance (21-025) Amending the Bolingbrook Annual Budget, 2020-2021 Fiscal Year)


Trustees voted to approve the interfund and expense transfers for fiscal year 2020-2021.  During the fiscal year, some budgetary items exceed the original budgeted amount.  In order to balance the budget, the staff prepares an amended budget at the end of the year.  This transfers amounts between line items and accounts so they balance.  This is part of the yearly “close out” and audit preparation process.


Total receipts and revenues from all funds during the fiscal year 2020-2021 were $148,797,616.00.  Total expenses including capital improvements were $157,972,727.00.


Approval of Ordinance (21-026) Adopting the Bolingbrook Annual Budget, 2021-2022 Fiscal Year


Trustees voted to adopt the Village’s 2021-2022 Fiscal Budget as discussed at the Public Hearing earlier in the Board meeting.


Approval of Ordinance (21-027) Approving Negotiated Agreement Between the Metropolitan Alliance of Police Bolingbrook Chapter #3 and the Village of Bolingbrook (May 1, 2018 – April 30, 2023) – (Subject to Attorney Approval)


Trustees voted to approve a collective bargaining agreement with the Metropolitan Alliance of Police (MAP), Chapter #3 (Patrolmen) for a term of five years, May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2023.  The current agreement expired April 30, 2018.  The new agreement contains a 2.5% wage increase effective May 1st each year for the first four years and a 2.75% increase for the fifth year.  The insurance contribution will increase each year of the contract, 5%, 5%, 5%, 5% and 9%  and retiree health insurance contributions will total 6% (3% village and 3% employee).


The Public Safety Committee reviewed and recommended acceptance.


This Ordinance is Subject to Attorney Approval.


Approval of Ordinance (21-028) Approving Negotiated Agreement Between the Metropolitan Alliance of Police Bolingbrook Command Chapter #4 and the Village of Bolingbrook (May 1, 2018 – April 30, 2023) – (Subject to Attorney Approval)


Trustees voted to approve a collective bargaining agreement with the Metropolitan Alliance of Police Chapter #4 (Sergeants and Lieutenants) for a term of five years, May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2023.  The current agreement expired April 30, 2018.  The new agreement contains a 2.5% wage increase effective May 1st each year for the first four years and a 2.75% increase for the fifth year. Also, effective May 1, 2021, the base salary for Sergeants and Lieutenants will now be indexed off of the top Investigators base salary, which is 3% higher than the current index which is the salary of a top Patrolman. The insurance contribution will increase each year of the contract, 5%, 5%, 5%, 5% and 9%  and retiree health insurance contributions will total 6% (3% village and 3% employee).


The Public Safety Committee reviewed and recommended acceptance.


This Ordinance is Subject to Attorney Approval.