Board Actions 2.23.21
Agenda Action by the Village Board:
The Village Board meeting of February 23, 2021 included the following actions. Please visit the Village website at for the complete Village Board meeting notes that will be posted upon approval before the next regularly scheduled board meeting. You can also view the replay of the meeting on the Village website by clicking on the following link or on The Village of Bolingbrook Facebook page.
One Commissioner was appointed to the following role and Commission. Residents can apply for Commissions on the Village website to share their skills to serve the Village.
Information Technology Commission
New Appointment – Hiram Matos, Jr.
Approval of Bills
Trustees voted to approve bills in the amount of $2,171,461.73.
Approval of Resolution (21R-009) Approving Master Settlement Agreement No. 16 L 312 (Will County) Litigation Re: Clow Airport
Trustees voted to approve a Settlement Agreement regarding legal action against the Village. In 2016, nineteen (19) residents joined together to file a lawsuit against the Village, alleging that after the Clow Airport runway renovations, they experienced increased noise and vibrations from increased air traffic, and that this increased noise constituted a “taking” of their property.
In exchange for plaintiffs’ dismissing the lawsuit and providing the Village with Avigation Easements (the right to fly over the property and to cause noise and vibrations), the Village has agreed to pay the plaintiffs the appraised value of their alleged diminution of their property ranging from $1,600 to $5,000 per plaintiff, and to pay a portion of the plaintiffs’ attorney fees.
Approval of Resolution (21R-010) for Construction on State Highway
Trustees voted to approve this Resolution which guarantees that all work shall be performed by the Village in accordance with conditions of the permit granted by the Department. Before any work can be done on a State highway a working permit must be obtained from the Department of Transportation.
Approval of Resolution (21R-011) for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code with the Illinois Department of Transportation (Canterbury Lane Over Lily Cache Lane)
Trustees voted to approve this Resolution which will allow the Village to use Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds to finance construction of new culverts on Canterbury Lane. The existing 3 Barrel culverts will be replaced with 3 Cell Box culverts. The work to be done includes construction of temporary pavement to maintain traffic, pavement repair, sidewalk replacement, rip rap protection of the existing channel and turf restoration. This use of MFT funds makes funding available in the General Fund which would have normally been used for a project of this nature.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (21R-012) Approving an Agreement with Lower DuPage River Watershed Coalition Regarding Participation in Local Funding Program
Trustees voted to approve an agreement with the Lower DuPage River Watershed Coalition (LDRWC). The Agreement allows the Village to participate in the local funding program to complete alternate stream restoration projects and studies. The term of the agreement is four (4) years and the Village will pay a total of $333,076.98 in special assessments in addition to the annual dues to the LDRWC.
The Village has been a member of the LDRWC since 2012. The LDRWC was created to support and improve aquatic life and water quality within the Lower DuPage River Watershed.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (21R-013) for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by the Village of Bolingbrook Under the Illinois Highway Code with the Illinois Department of Transportation
Trustees voted to approve the recommended dollar amount for the maintenance of streets and highways by the Village under the Illinois Highway code. This obligates our Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) allotment and will allow the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to begin reviewing individual bid packages. The contractual work will include sidewalk and striping. The Public Services Department work will include snow and ice removal; drainage maintenance; pavement maintenance; sign maintenance; electrical maintenance; tree maintenance as well as street resurfacing. The preliminary MFT amount budgeted is not to exceed $6,925,800.00.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (21R-014) Approving a Proposal with Quandel Consultants for Professional Engineering Services Related to Kildeer Bridge Repairs
Trustees voted to approve a proposal received from Quandel Consultants, the Village’s bridge inspectors, for the preparation of plans and bid specifications for the Kildeer Bridge Repairs in an amount not to exceed $13,404.00. Quandel will solicit 3 bids, review the bids, make a recommendation to the Village and will provide project overview and inspections. The Resolution also authorizes the Co-Administrator to approve the construction bids in an amount not to exceed $65,000.00. The Kildeer Bridge is located by Greenleaf Senior Apartments and is in poor condition. The funds are in this year’s budget for repairs.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Resolution (21R-015) Approving an Agreement with Robinson Engineering for Professional Engineering Services Related to Sewer Treatment Plant #3
Trustees voted to approve work for Robinson Engineering to perform engineering services related to Sewer Treatment Plant #3. They will assess the current condition of the plant and develop an improvement plan to meet future Illinois Environment Protection Agency (IEPA) requirements.
The Public Services Committee reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Plan Commission Report PC 21.01 requesting approval of a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with Variances, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat of Subdivision, Spring at Lily Cache Creek, Northwest Corner of Lily Cache Lane and Veterans Parkway, Frederick Hood, Continental 561 Fund, LLC; Applicant and Ordinance (21-008) Approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with Variances, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat of Subdivision – Continental Properties Company, Inc (Northwest Corner of Lily Cache Lane and Veterans Parkway)
Trustees voted to accept the Plan Commission report and approve the accompanying Ordinance regarding a request from Frederick Hood on behalf of Continental Properties Company who is seeking approval of a Special Use Permit with Variances, Preliminary Development Plan and Preliminary Plat of Subdivision for the development of a 320-unit high end apartment community with associated variances. The property is 28.09 acres, and each apartment building would consist of 2-stories with 20 units per building, in addition to a clubhouse and mixture of attached and detached garages.
The community would be named The Springs at Lily Cache Creek.
The Plan Commission reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Plan Commission Report PC 21.02 Approval of a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with Variances, WeatherTech, 841 Remington Boulevard, Richard Curran, MacNeil Automotive Products, Ltd.; Applicant and Ordinance (21-009) Approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with Variances for WeatherTech (841 Remington Boulevard)
Trustees voted to accept the Plan Commission report and approve the accompanying Ordinance regarding this modification to existing property. Richard Curran of MacNeil Automotive Products is seeking approval of a Special Use Permit with Variances for the WeatherTech property located at 841 Remington Boulevard. WeatherTech would like to increase the maximum width of the existing driveway to fifty-five (55) feet at the throat and seventy-two (72) feet at the property line.
The Plan Commission reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Plan Commission Report PC 21.03 for approval of a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with Extended Hours of Operation, Tandem Repair, LLC, 585 E. South Frontage Road, Paul L. Lombardo, Tandem Repair, LLC; Applicant and Ordinance (21-010) Approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with Extended Hours of Operation (Tandem Repair, LLC) – 585 E. South Frontage Road
Trustees voted to accept the Plan Commission report and approve the accompanying Ordinance regarding relocation of an existing business. Paul Lombardo of Tandem Repair is seeking approval of a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development with Extended Hours of Operation for a towing and vehicle location service, commonly known as Heartbreak Towing at the property located at 585 E. South Frontage Road. The applicant is proposing to have hours of operation, twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week.
The Plan Commission reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Plan Commission Report PC 21.04 Approval of a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development, Drip Drop Exotics, 479 Quadrangle Drive, Suite C, Moe Ihmud, Drip Drop Exotics; Applicant and Ordinance (21-011) Approving a Special Use Permit for a Planned Development (Drip Drop Exotics) – 479 Quadrangle Drive, Suite C
Trustees voted to accept the Plan Commission report and approve the accompanying Ordinance regarding opening of a new business. Moe Ihmud of Drip Drop Exotics, is seeking approval of a Special Use for a Planned Development for the property located at 479 Quadrangle Drive. The applicant is seeking to occupy 4,000 square feet of space for a high-end auto rental service. The hours of operation would be Monday thru Friday from 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. All vehicles for rent will be stored inside the building.
The Plan Commission reviewed and recommended approval.
Approval of Ordinance (21-012) Approving Plat of Easement for a Public Utility and Drainage Easement and a Sanitary Sewer Easement Outside of Carlow Corporate Center Phase 1-B)
Trustees voted to approve a Plat of Easement to facilitate the installation of utilities outside of Carlow Corporate Center Phase 1B located south of Rodeo Drive, West of Dalton Lane. The Village would be accepting easements for Public Utility and Drainage as well as a Sanitary Sewer Easement from Northern Builders.
Approval of Ordinance (21-013) Approving Plat off Dedication (Southeast Corner of Weber Road and Bradford Place)
Trustees voted to approve a Plat of Dedication for property located at the south east corner of Weber Road and Bradford Place. The Village is accepting an additional right of way at that location.