The Bolingbrook Police Department is excited to announce a change to the daily operations of our Animal Control facility. The BPD’s Animal Control facility is staffed by three full-time Animal Control Officers (ACOs), and is assisted by our Community Service Officer, Police Officers, and our partners at Humane Haven. The staffing hours between village employees and volunteers is consistent with area animal care centers.  Our ACOs and police department staff also provide 24-hour emergency service to our community. Additionally, volunteers from Humane Haven assist with essential daily care of our feline friends staying at our center.


The Bolingbrook Police Department believes in humane treatment of all animals and is committed to reuniting lost pets with their owners. Our Animal Control Officers are now utilizing the Bolingbrook Police Department’s Facebook page to notify the public of found pets. The postings’ comment section will not be monitored and citizens with information on an animal’s potential owner are directed to contact Animal Control at 630-226-8500.